
Thanks for taking the time to view my website. Hopefully after viewing my photos and learning a little more about me you’re inspired to schedule some personal one-on-one time with me. I would adore spending extra time with you. I love travel and I find overnight and dinner engagements are the best way to get to know each other.
When I am available (see my calendar) I can generally see you on the same day and can be ready with a couple hours notice. Complete the short scheduling form below if you would like to guarantee an advanced apointment (more the 24 hours), want me to stay overnight with you, or would like me travel to come see you. Please answer truthfully. I treat all personal information with the utmost discretion. All pre- booking appointment require a deposit equal to 1/3 of the appropriate donation
If you’d like to schedule same day or have any questions that weren’t answered within my site, you’re welcome to contact me by email.